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Causes List

Income Generating Activities
Income Generating Activities build on our mission to co-design innovative solutions and build on existing strengths with local communities in northern Uganda to overcome poverty and increase wellbeing.
Raised: $0
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Well Worth It
Well Worth It is a water well drilling project that came out of our Impact Report in Cents for Seeds. The impact survey showed that overall wellbeing of everyone in a household is directly linked with access to water. Now, with each new well drilled, communities in northern Uganda are provided access to clean water - something that they may not have had before.
Raised: $1,000
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Kristina Health Centre
The Kristina Health Centre was officially opened in August 2012. The clinic has been treating the local community with some patients travelling up to 50 kms in one day on foot to reach the Health Centre. Kristina provides maternity services, primary medical care including triage and appropriate treatment, disease testing, inoculation, medication dispensing and education. The most common illnesses are malaria, typhoid, cough and flu, pneumonia and other serious conditions including internal organ issues requiring referral to Lira Regional Hospital.
Raised: $460
Goal: $3,000
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