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Achon Uganda Children’s Fund (AUCF)


As our partner organisation, AUCF have played a monumental role in establishing the Kristina Health Centre and supporting both Cents for Seeds and Well Worth It.

But how did it all begin?

The story.

While in Uganda in 2003, Julius came across a group of children who were sleeping under a bus in Lira. These eleven orphans had escaped from the same Otuke village where Julius was raised after their parents were killed by the LRA, and were then living and begging on the streets. Touched by their suffering and grateful for his own blessings, Julius decided to adopt them.
Julius joins the Nike Oregon Project in Portland, Oregon, where he paced and trained elite US Olympic athletes and sent any earned back to his now very large family. It's also where he met the Fee family - the family who went on to help establish AUCF going on to help build the Kristina Health Centre. 
Water is flowing! For the first time in the history of Awake village, residents not longer had to walk 5kms (sometimes more) to gather clean water.
Achon Uganda Children’s Fund partners with Love Mercy Foundation, to work together to improve the lives of the children of Otuke County.
AUCF announces the commencement of planning and fundraising for a health centre in Awake village. A plot of land is acquired.
Ground breaking of Kristina Health Center (KHC) in Awake. Materials and labor, when possible, are provided by the community of Awake providing jobs for over 20 people.
Kristina Health Center opens its doors and begins treating patients providing primary healthcare to the community. A full time resident staff of 5 including clinic manager, senior clinical officer, comprehensive nurses (2) and lab technician/HIV counselor provide medical care, including consultation and treatment, counseling, inoculations, education and triage of seriously ill patients to Lira Regional Hospital.
Seeking to expand its work beyond the walls of its facility, Kristina Health Center launched an outreach program. KHC staff travel throughout the region, teaching healthy habits, good hygiene, and even about nutrition and exercise, all in hopes of not only treating illness and injury, but preventing them as well.